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I Love Food! But when it comes to food and nutrition, I feel it’s important to respect everyone’s choice to find their own path for eating. My hope is that people find what works for them, be it vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian, omnivore, carnivore, etc. We all have different metabolisms and genetics, and food affects all of us in different ways. My goal is to share with others what has worked for me, and what I have learned about food along my journey. As we all grow in our new knowledge of food, we begin to see the amazing benefits we get from certain foods.

Image by Jannis Brandt

"Healthy eating is a lifelong investment in your well-being, paying dividends of health and happiness."

“Moderation. Small helpings. Sample a little bit of everything. These are the secrets of happiness and good health.” Julia Child

Image by Brenda Godinez

I Love Food! But when it comes to food and nutrition, I feel it’s important to respect everyone’s choice to find their own path for eating. My hope is that people find what works for them, be it vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian, omnivore, carnivore, etc. We all have different metabolisms and genetics, and food affects all of us in different ways. My goal is to share with others what has worked for me, and what I have learned about food along my journey. As we all grow in our new knowledge of food, we begin to see the amazing benefits we get from certain foods.

These days I eat a healthy balanced diet but it hasn’t always been that way. For so many years I struggled with the addiction to food, and compulsive overeating was my medicine. The solution of eating a healthy diet was always in front of me, but I was ignoring it. I soon became sick of living a life of suffering and came to an understanding that my destiny was to survive this addiction to food. Even though I’ve conquered this addiction, I must be very disciplined knowing that I can easily fall into the trap of overeating at any time. But that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the amazing varieties of delicious food. Right?


Today I enjoy foods that make me feel best and I try to consume whole natural foods with a fair amount of carbohydrates and fats, but I would say 65% of my calories come from animal protein. Studies consistently show that a high protein diet is more effective for fat loss than lower protein diets. A high protein diet isn’t the only way because any diet that consists of a calorie deficit will cause fat loss, and you can still lose a lot of body fat without eating lots of protein. A high protein diet has been proven to preserve more muscle verses other diets, and my hope is for you to preserve muscle. I also found animal protein to be great in helping me with appetite control since it’s the most nutrient dense food on earth. Let’s face it, with all the diets I’ve tried in my lifetime, I’ve come to realize that a high protein diet will help you eat less and to gain, and keep, more muscle.  


There is one category of food that has haunted me most of my life though which has contributed to my severe obesity, and that is heavily processed foods. Chips, cookies, crackers, chocolate, ice cream, donuts…you name it. These processed foods were my down fall and they will be your down fall if you don’t give them up for good. Every time I would lose a bunch of weight and reach my goal, I would slowly go back to eating these addicting foods. I thought I’d be okay eating a little bit here and there, but before I knew it, I was doomed. I was out of my mind to think that I could reward my success by going back to these processed foods. I don’t want to see anyone make this mistake that I always made, so stop eating processed foods. It’s that simple!


Fall in love with cooking as I have. You would be amazed how many delicious meals you can cook in your kitchen. I love cooking with all sorts of fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, meats, rice, spices, etc.… You name it, I can learn to cook it, and you can, too.

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"Remember, you are what you eat, so make choices that reflect your desire for a vibrant and thriving life."

Citrus Fruits
Deep Chillout Mix
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©2021 by DroneScape Visuals. Created with by Darin Phillips II

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